For the sake of being permanent in the sector, Universal Logistics engaged with extraordinary investments for its vehicles and structured all vehicles with necessary installations for inflammable and combustible products with a distinct service insight and secured transportation of the raw material products used for manufacturing activities by all industrialists of the present day via licensed, green insurance and CMR insurance. At the same time, the company also fitted all its vehicles with coil liners suitable for steel rolls in order to provide special services for the brands considered as leaders of the automotive sector present in the company’s customer portfolio; the company owns the sole fleet with such properties in the Europe and Turkey at single digits in the meaning of percentage of the overall vehicle quantities. Approaching transportation services with a different insight by virtue of such properties, Universal Logistics approaches you with a service insight that focuses on responding to all requests of the customers through better and reliable, instant online information sharing capable of accessing all service units any time so desired.

The warehouses at Istanbul/Hadımköy and Şekerpınar/Kocaeli in Turkey and the warehouse at Rodgau in Germany and our operation headquarters domiciled in Şişli offer you the transparency that you might participate any time you desire and that you might contact us anytime during your operations. The warehouse at Rodgau further offer you different handling services such as shipment, packaging, palletization, package renewal, etc. within Europe for our esteemed customers.

The company has proven its distinctiveness by realizing a first time event in Turkey concerning storage, which is considered as an integral part in Logistics services, with the distinction that you are capable of storing your Inflammable, Combustible duty-paid and free warehouses, duty-paid cold storage rooms and normal commodity available in warehouses in Turkey either as duty-paid or not.

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